Kidneys are the fist-sized organs that are crucial for your overall body. They are located at the rib cage bottom. The function that kidneys perform includes the filtration of the waste products, impurities, and the excess water from the blood.
Top nephrologists in Lahore share that through urine, all of these waste materials are expelled after the kidney stores such waste in your bladder. There are other important body functions to which kidneys contribute, such as regulating pH, and potassium levels in the body and also regulating blood pressure, and taking control over the red blood cells.
All of these functions of the kidneys, it is very important to keep them healthy. Damaged kidneys can interrupt the filtering of the waste material. Some ways can help you maintain your kidney’s health. Let’s find out some ways to improve the kidney’s health.
Stay Fit and Physically Active
Staying physically active can help to maintain a healthy weight. Every person should exercise daily as it reduces the risk of many potential health conditions. You should exercise to prevent heart diseases and also reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can lead to kidney damage as it is one of the kidney damaging contributors. Some people do not want to do high intensity. They can also start their physically active life with some steps, such as walking, yoga, etc.
Cycling is also a hobby of many people but it keeps you active and contributes to maintaining your health. You should be careful when you go out cycling. Always wear protective pads on your knees and wear a helmet when you go cycling.
Maintaining a healthy weight is also crucial because obesity is one of the causing factors of kidney damage.
You can also try running or simply walking. Seniors can try chair yoga and start walking gradually.
Stay hydrated
Your kidneys and even every organ of your body need plenty of water and other fluids. Experts encourage staying hydrated as it contributes to kidney health. You should add more fluids into your diet to let the kidneys clear sodium and other toxins out of the body.
It reduces the risk of chronic kidney diseases.
It depends on your weather and how much water you need to drink during the daytime. But you should avoid the intake of the water at night as it will urge you to urinate which can disturb your sleep. Other factors also matter when it comes to how much water you need to drink, such as climate, gender, overall health, being pregnant or breastfeeding, etc.
Stop smoking
Smoking is injurious to our overall health and also damages the kidneys in several ways. Tobacco intake can damage the blood vessels that affect the blood flow. People who smoke are at risk of cancer. The people around you are also at risk if you smoke.
Maintain your blood pressure
One of the kidney damage-causing factors includes high blood pressure. Some health issues also trigger high blood pressure, such as high cholesterol levels, heart diseases, etc.
Having consistently high blood pressure means that you need to consult with the doctor and include a healthy diet in your regular routine to keep the blood pressure normal.
Get proper nutrition
Obesity is also a factor that can affect the health of the kidneys. Overweight or obese is indirectly damages the kidney because this factor causes other health issues, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and diabetes.
Make sure that you choose a diet that is low in sodium and processed meats. You should consult a doctor about what type of foods you need to eat to prevent kidney damage. Doctors order a test to check sodium in your blood. You can check the serum electrolyte test price online.
Take control over cholesterol level
People who are living with high blood sugar levels can develop diabetes which can also affect your kidneys. It happens because your body does not use sugar in the blood which puts more work pressure on your kidneys. It can cause a life threat to your health.
You should be careful about your diet and should perform the test to check if you have a high sugar level.
People who use OTC medications in high amounts are at risk of kidney damage. It can occur due to the NSAIDs which can damage kidneys if you take these OTC medicines regularly. People who have headaches constantly or to relieve chronic pain are at risk of kidney issues.
Who is at risk of kidney failure?
The following people are at risk, including:
- Age more than 60 years old
- Overweight ones
- People with heart disease
- High blood pressure if runs in the family
When you feel pain in the kidneys or notice changes in the urine, consult with a doctor to diagnose the main cause.